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Birthday Freebies Make it More of a Celebration

With a little planning, you can live it up on your special day — without spending a dime!

By Cristina Silva, St. Petersburg Times Staff Writer

"With the economy in a coma and your friends being unemployed and all, freebies might be the only birthday gift you can count on this year. Local marketing experts say birthday freebies are just good business, especially in these tough times."

read the entire article: HERE

Nobody Celebrates Birthdays Alone!

Top Entrepreneurs Leverage Area Birthday Data to Bring in a Steady Stream of
New Customers!

By Julie Escobar, Director of Corporate Marketing - ProspectsPLUS!

"In the fast paced world of restaurants, salons, boutiques and most service-oriented businesses– getting and keeping customer interest in the wake of our current economic downturn certainly has more than it’s fair share of owners scratching their heads for solutions. Enter the “wonderful world” of birthday prospecting..."

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How to Find NEW Customers in Today’s Fickle Market!

Seven Strategies to Keep Them Coming In

By Julie Escobar, Director of Corporate Marketing - ProspectsPLUS!

"Competing in today’s service industry involves stepping outside the ordinary and stepping up your visibility in your market area. With an ever-fickle consumer, and competitors continuously entering the market, carving your niche and maintaining your share of the “pie” is increasingly difficult. Your top task is to get your organization’s name, reputation and message to the forefront of your community’s collective conscience so that you can begin – and continue to drive NEW customers to your business! To do that, let’s look at seven strategies that are turning heads, filling seats and ringing registers across North America..."

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